Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Misconception About Albert Einstein:

The rumor began circulating even while Albert Einstein was alive that he had failed mathematics courses as a child.While it is true that Einstein began to talk late - at about age 4 according to his  own account s-he never failed in mathematics,nor did he do poor in shool in general.He did fairly well in mathematics courses throught his education and briefly considered becoming a mathematician.He recognised early on that fact his gift was not in pure mathematics ,a fact he lamented throughtout his career as he sought out more accomplished mathematicians to assist in the formal description of his theories.

Why Does E=mc2? (and Why Do We Care?) by Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw

Da Capo Press
One of the most fundamental concepts in modern physics is that of spacetime, which defines the environment in which all of physics takes place. The concept is not necessarily straightforward, though, and in this book physicists Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw clearly address the complexities of this concept, and the bearing that it has on the rest of physics. The real selling point of this book lies in the second part of the name. It really does address why people should care about E=mc2 and how it has an impact on the rest of physics. Most books focus on the technical aspects, without really paying close attention to the underlying meaning of the concepts, and Cox & Forshaw keep that meaning prominently placed on center stage throughout the book

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